How to Reduce Belly ?

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally.
Does that extra fat around your stomach worry you?
Do you feel low when you look yourself in the mirror with tummy bulging out?
Does anyone in your family or friends is looking to reduce belly fat?
If the answer is Yes for the above questions, you have landed on the right spot.

Many of us when we cross the age of 30 our tummy's try to outgrow its original shape. This is more prevalent among men. What's worse is that it changes our entire body structure. Everything changes right from sitting on the chair, walking to standing postures. It becomes even worse when your knees have to bear that extra weight.

But how do we gather that extra fats over abdomen? Well, there are many contributing factors, the most common are sedentary lifestyle, long working hours on PC, no exercise, a diet full of sugar and carbs. So we know how our tummy grows, but you may be wondering what is the solution to reduce that tyre shaped tummy.

What increases your belly?
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Meat (Chicken / Fish/ Pork )
  • Less Protein food
  • Starchy food.
  • Fried and Baked food.
  • Western Diet.
  • Stress
  • Not enough sleep.
  • Not eating at the right time.
 How to reduce belly fat?
  • STAY AWAY from the ads that promise you to reduce your belly in 2 weeks.
  • Jaggery  - Replace your sugar with jaggery. Jaggery is a natural sugar derived from sugarcane juice which is chemical-free and has vital nutrients. Pop a few grams of jaggery after every meal. Jaggery will ease digestion & help your body to absorb essential nutrients.
  • Water - Squeeze some lemon in the glass of warm water and drink it when you wake up in the morning. Lemon and warm water will flush out any toxins in your body thus reducing that extra fat. Later you should drink 8-10 glass of water everyday day. Water will help digestion, clean the intestinal tract and keep your gut healthy. Replace your Coke with water next time.
  •  Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Walk at least 3 kilometres each day.
  • Stop all the intake of processed foods, meat, cold-drinks and fried foods
    Well, this is the simplest method to lose your belly fat. You don't need to hit the gym buy costly subscription to lose that extra belly fat. just follow the simple routine and see the results for yourself.
    Let me know in the comment section if you have any questions.


  1. Great content. I am going to try for sure

  2. Can you write an article on how to reduce increased BP ?

  3. Very informative keep it up


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