Replace your Salt with Rock Salt

Why you should replace Table Salt with Rock salt?

Salt is an essential ingredient of our everyday diet. It is present in bread, breakfast, cereals, packaged food and is mostly avoidable.Commonly available table salts in the supermarket contain added chemicals preservatives like sodium solo-co-aluminate, iodide, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, toxic amounts of potassium iodide and aluminum derivatives.

FDA does permit adding anti-caking elements to the salt. These chemicals are not only toxic to your body but also contain cancer-causing elements.  Additionally, chloride levels in the table salt are far above the body requirement level.

These preservatives can cause swelling and, over time, major kidney, thyroid and liver concerns, as well as the development of goiters, as edema, hypertension, heart diseases, strained elimination systems, muscle cramps, water retention, edema, strokes, heart failures, and even major nervous system disorders such as anxiety and depression.

How does Rock Salt help?

Rock salt or Himalayan pink salt is one of the purest forms of salt available on this planet Earth.  Interestingly it contains 84 out of 92 trace elements that are required for the human body. Unlike common salt which is iodized and fine, rock salt is much crystal and high granular level. It does taste less salty than the regular salt but it has to offer higher nutritive value.

Where does Rock salt originate? 

So you might be wondering where does this salt come from. Just as sea salt is derived from seawater, rock salt is mineral which is derived from sedimentary rocks. There are salt mines around the world from where the salt is regularly drilled and mined. One of the largest rock salt mines in the world is at Khewra (Pakistan), New Mexico, Poland, and Germany.

Benefits of Rock Salt are:

1. It helps digestion and is prescribed for laxative and digestive disorders. It improves appetite, removes gas and soothes heartburn.
2. It stabilizes blood pressure by maintaining a balance of high and low blood pressures.
3. It can be used as a teeth whitener or mouth freshener. Gargling with rock salt provides relief against sore throat.
4. It overcomes muscle cramps. Those experiencing muscle cramps can mix a spoon of rock salt in water and sip it to get relief within a few minutes.
5 It improves your electrolyte balance since it contains electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as sodium and chloride. Electrolytes are essential for maintaining fluid levels, effective muscle contractions, and nerve signals, among other functions. Some of the minerals in Himalayan rock salt, like calcium, magnesium, and silicon, also play an important role in bone health.

So when are you changing your salt?
Let me know in the comments section below.



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