Solve your Sleeping Problems Yourself with Ayurveda

Do you remember when you slept like a baby? 
Maybe after that hardcore party or when you were exhausted completely. Sleep issues are often the most common health issues across the globe.

Melatonin is one of the most important hormones secreted by the pineal gland. This is responsible for maintaining the body's sleep cycle. Healthy levels of melatonin mean an individual will have a good sleep.  Lifestyle, Food habits, environment are some of the factors that affect the production of melatonin. Imbalance of hormones hampers the sleep cycle which causes issues like Insomnia.

Below are some facts released by the American Sleep Association (ASA)
                                                         Source: American Sleep Association

Dark Circles, early aging are some of the signs of lack of sleep. There has been a lot of research made in the space of sleep. But before moving ahead to the solutions lets understand what are major factors affect our sleep.
  • Alcohol - It disrupts the sleeping patterns of the body to a great extend. Drinking it in large quantities and more frequently further causes headaches, nausea, and fatigue situation.
  • Screentime -  Often adults spend more than 10+ hours in front of computers/Laptops/cellphones. These devices emit blue light which disrupts the body clock. This results in tired body and eyes but when you are on the bed, there are absolutely no signs of sleep.
  • Stress - In today's fast-moving world, we cannot ignore stress. The reason for stress could be due to home, office, finance, relations, etc. However, this stress can have a negative impact on sleep. Sleeplessness, fear of unknown, continuous thinking disrupts sleep.
  • Age - It found that older adults often have sleep issues. Midnight loo breaks, slightest disturbance can break the sleep patterns.
What are the effects of lack of sleep on the body?
Often sleep deprivation results in multiple health issues. Below are some of the effects.
  • Concentration -  There is a strong connection with sleep and lack of concentration. Unable to focus at work or in studies, unclear mind, weak decision making are all results of sleep deprivation.
  • Immunity problem - Not getting enough rest has a direct link to the weak immune systems. Good rest helps to build a strong immune system. Common cold and cough, acidity, blood pressure problems can be prevented in advance if you have a good immune system. This can be achieved with good sleep.
  • Heart Diseases - Research has proved that 43% of adults are at more risk to get cardiovascular diseases if they have slept less than 7 hours.
  • Digestion Problems- When we sleep our body starts repairing & restoring our muscles. Individuals often complain of night heartburn, acid reflux, digestion issues, choking problems. This is a result of less quality sleep.
 Ayurvedic remedy for Sleep problems.
  • Add a drop of warm cow ghee in both the nose nostrils before sleeping. Make sure you inhale it slowly and not rapidly. This will help you to sleep faster, relieve snoring problems and fix your sleeping problems.
  •  Add a teaspoon of ashwagandha powder to a glass of warm milk.  This will help solve chronic sleeping disorder.
  •  Fix your sleeping time - Decide what time you will go to bed. If you have decided to be in bed at 10, you can easily wake up at 6 the next day. so you complete good 8hours of sleep.
  • Dinner Time -  Have dinner at least 2 hours before you sleep. Ayurveda suggests have dinner at 7pm. DInner must not contain high carbs and fats. As you won't need much energy it would ultimately be turned into fats and stored. Going to bed immediately after having dinner is the worse thing you can do to your body. Chances of heart attack, arthritis, acid reflux are maximum, so avoid sleeping immediately. 
  • Sleeping position -  In case you happen to take a nap in the afternoon, Ayurveda suggests sleep on the left-hand side. However, when you sleep at night, you must sleep on your back and head facing towards the sky
  • Tea / Coffee - Avoid drinking tea, coffee or any other caffeinated drinks before you go to sleep. Having such things keeps us awake and alert, thus breaking the sleep patterns.
  • Liquids - Limit yourself from having too many liquids while dinner or post. Soup / Water must be drunk in small or limited quantity Having too much water before your sleep will only increase your loo breaks. This will break your sleep.
  •  Food - Avoid eating fried and spicy food. Eat below list of food that helps you to relax muscles and help you sleep better.  Diet should contain Bananas, Pineapple, Oats, Cherries that contains a good amount of magnesium and phosphorous.
  • Devices - Turn off your laptops, PC and mobile phones at least an hour before you sleep. This will ease your mind to start feeling relax and ultimately make you sleep.
  • Room Condition - Ensure complete darkness of the room and close all doors and windows. This will ensure you stay away from the unnecessary sound and lights. However, do ensure you have enough ventilation in the room.
  • Relax - Deep breathe for a few seconds so your relax. if you have a partner do indulge in lovemaking that will make you comfortable and calm down.

    I hope you have educated now educated yourself. Don't forget to share this content with your family and friends.
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  1. While reading this, I was Actually relating it to my lifestyle to know how many things do I follow in present.
    Surely there are many changes I need to make.
    Thank you 😊


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